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   Vol.1   No.1 [ September   2004 ]

Editor's Note

New Super- and Supramolecular Receptor Systems - Cages, Chains, Squares, and Dendrimers Incorporating Macrocycles as Structural Elements  (pp 1~9)
L.F. Lindoy

Conical Cavitands as Second Coordination Spheres and Protecting Environments. Towards Metal-Centred, Intra-Cavity Reactions (pp 10~19)
D. Armspach, I. Bagatin, E. Engeldinger, C. Jeunesse, J. Harrowfield, M. Lejeune, and D. Matt

Biologically Potent Sulphonamide Imine Complexes of Organotin(IV): Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and Biological Screening  (pp 20~27)
M. Jain, V. Singh and R. V. Singh

An Efficient Solvent Free and One-Pot Conversion of Aldehydes into Nitr iles Using NH2OH.HCl/CH3COCl/Charcoal System  (pp 28~32)
H. Sharghi and M. Hosseini Saravi

Facile Entries for Regioselective Synthe sis of [1,2,4]Triazolo- [4,3-a]pyrimidin-5(1H)-ones from 2-Thiouracil� (pp 33~39)
A.S. Shawali, I.M. Abbas and A.M. Mahran

Determination of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in Environmental Waters by Derivative Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Using Flow Injection On-Line Preconcentration with Double-Microcolumn Adsorption  (pp 40~46)
H-W. Sun, W-J. Kang, J. Ha S-X. Liang and S-G. Shen

Complexation Between Rare Earth Metals and 1, 5-di(2-hydroxy-5-sulfophenyl)-3- Cyanoformazan Occurring on Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide Micelle  (pp 47~52)
L-X. Zheng, H-W. Gao and R-Y. Xue

Synthesis, X-ray Characterization, NMR and Ab Initio Molecular-Orbital Studies of Some Cadmium(II) Macrocyclic Schiff-Base Complexes with Two 2-Aminoethyl Pendant Arms (pp 53~64)
H. Keypour, H. Khanmohammadi, K.P. Wainwright and M.R. Taylor

Complexation of Vanadium(IV) with Hydroxamate Chelators and Their Stability Relation with pH  (pp 65~70)
K. Ali, N. Fatima, Z.T. Maqsood and S.A. Kazmi

An Ab Initio Study of Conformational Properties of (Z,Z)-, (E,Z)-and (E,E)-Cycloocta-1,5-diene  (pp 71~78)
I. Yavari, H. Kabiri-Fard, S. Moradi

Simultaneous Preconcentration Flotation-Separation and Spectrophotometric Determination of Thorium, Lanthanum and Yttrium in Some Geological and Environmental Samples  (pp 79~87)
A.M. Abdallah, M.A. Kabil, M.A. Akl, D.S. Ismael


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