Advantages of USP Apparatus IV (Flow-through Cell Apparatus) in Dissolution Studies I. Singha and H.Y. Aboul-Eneinb,* a (Received 4 March 2006 , Accepted 2 May 2006) Akal College of Pharmacy and Technical Education, Mastuana Sahib, Sangrur-148001, Punjab, India bMedicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research Division, National Research Centre, Tahrir St., Dokki-Cairo, 12311, Egypt.The basic characteristics of the flow-through cell apparatus (USP Apparatus IV) including the assembly and open/closed configuration of the apparatus have been described. The relative advantages of the flow-through cell apparatus over other release setups have been summarized. Finally, potential applications of this setup are presented. Flow-through cell apparatus, USP apparatus IV, Drug dissolution Keywords: |