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Journal Information
Full Journal Title: Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society 
ISO Abbrev. Title: J. Iran Chem. Soc.
JCR Abbrev. Title: J IRAN CHEM SOC
ISSN: 1735-207X
Issues/Year: 4  
Language: ENGLISH
Journal Country/Territory: IRAN
Publisher Address: NO 7, MARAGHEH ST, OSTAD NEJATOLLAHI AVE, PO BOX 15875-1169, TEHRAN 00000, IRAN
Subject Categories:


Journal Impact Factor

Cites in 2007 to articles published in: 2006 = 71    Number of articles published in: 2006 = 52 
  2005 = 54      2005 = 38 
  Sum: 125      Sum: 90 
Calculation: Cites to recent articles  125 = 1.389 
  Number of recent articles  90     

Journal Immediacy Index

Cites in 2007 to articles published in 2007 = 15 
Number of articles published in 2007 = 55 
Calculation: Cites to current articles  15 = 0.273 
  Number of current articles  55     

Journal Cited Half-Life
The cited half-life for the journal is the median age of its articles cited in the current JCR year. Half of the citations to the journal are to articles published within the cited half-life.
Cited Half-Life: 1.9 years

Breakdown of the citations to the journal by the cumulative percent of 2007 cites to articles published in the following years:
Cited Year 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997-all
# Cites from 2007  15  71  54  18  1  0  0  0  0  0  0
Cumulative %  9.43  54.09  88.05  99.37  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  100

Cited Half-Life Calculations:
The cited half-life calculation finds the number of publication years from the current JCR year that account for 50% of citations received by the journal. Read help for more information on the calculation.

Cited Journal Graph

This graph shows the distribution by cited year of citations to articles published in the journal J IRAN CHEM SOC.
Citations to the journal (per cited year)

- The white/grey division indicates the cited half-life (if < 10.0). Half of the journal's cited articles were published more recently than the cited half-life.

- The top (gold) portion of each column indicates Journal Self Citations: citations to articles in the journal from articles in the same journal.

- The bottom (blue) portion of each column indicates Non-Self Citations: citations to the journal from articles in other journals.

- The two lighter columns indicate citations used to calculate the Impact Factor (always the 2nd and 3rd columns).

Journal Citing Half-Life
The citing half-life for the journal is the median age of the articles the journal cited in the current JCR year. Half of the citations in the journal are to articles published within the citing half-life.
Citing Half-Life: 8.0 years

Breakdown of the citations from the journal by the cumulative percent of 2007 cites to articles published in the following years:
Cited Year 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997-all
# Cites from 2007  19  169  177  185  204  168  140  112  125  95  956
Cumulative %  0.81  8.00  15.53  23.40  32.09  39.23  45.19  49.96  55.28  59.32  100

Citing Half-Life Calculations:
The citing half-life calculation finds the number of publication years from the current JCR year that account for 50% of citations in the journal. Read help for more information on the calculation.

Citing Journal Graph

This graph shows the distribution by cited year of citations from current-year articles in the journal J IRAN CHEM SOC.
Citations from the journal (per cited year)

- The white/grey division indicates the citing half-life (if < 10.0). Half of the citations from the journal's current articles are to articles published more recently than the citing half-life.

- The top (gold) portion of each column indicates Journal Self-Citations: citations from articles in the journal to articles in the same journal.

- The bottom (blue) portion of each column indicates Non-Self Citations: citations from the journal to articles in other journals.

Journal Source Data


Citable items

Other items
Articles Reviews Combined
Number in JCR year 2007 (A) 51  55 
Number of references (B) 1528  822  2350  0.00 
Ratio (B/A) 30.0  205.5  42.7  0.0